Swine Operation
SSPF is a 1,250 sow farrow-to-finish open-pen operation, which utilizes EFS and produces up to 34,000 pigs annually. Our pigs are sold to Tyson Foods in Waterloo, Iowa and JBS Swift in Marshalltown, Iowa. Here they are harvested and processed for major grocery food chains. We currently have seven employees working in the hog operation. Travis Haht has managed the pork operation for the past 15 years. Our consulting herd veterinarian is Dr. Peter Schneider, DVM.
- Open pen gestation allow for sows to roam freely.
- Cutting-edge technology, Electronic Feeding System (EFS), uses electronic ear tags to deliver exact amounts of feed to each sow daily.
- Electronic ear tagging o identify which sows need to be pulled out of the herd for preg checking and vaccinations.
- Humane and safe handling of all animals. All employees are certified in Pork Quality Assurance (PQA). Transportation employees are certified in Trucking Quality Assurance (TQA).
- Implementation of state-of-the-art biosecurity recommendations to prevent spread of diseases (shower in/Shower out facilities, all trucks are washed and sanitized after delivery of each load).
- On-farm processing of all feed allows cost efficiency and disease control by limiting traffic into our facilities.
- We carefully choose genetics to improve production. Since 2016 we have purchased gilts from Danbred, chosen for their mothering ability, which has led to an improved live birth rate, and has helped us work toward our goal of 30 pigs per sow per year.
- Our farm is self-sustaining as we use our grain to feed our hogs and the manure from the hogs is in turn used to fertilize the land.